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Table 4 Sensitivity (all figures are expressed as percentages (95% confidence interval)) of colon capsule endoscopy and CT colonography for the detection of lesions, according to size, morphology and histology

From: Colon capsule endoscopy versus CT colonography in FIT-positive colorectal cancer screening subjects: a prospective randomised trial—the VICOCA study

CCE [95% CI]

CTC [95% CI]

p value

Any neoplastic lesion1 (regardless of size)

83.2 [78.9–86.9]

42.8 [37.1–48.7]

< 0.001

Any neoplastic lesion1 ≥ 6 mm

91.9 [85.6–95.8]

74.8 [66.2–82.2]


Any neoplastic lesion1 ≥10 mm

100 [92.9–100]

88 [76.4–94.6]


Pedunculated lesions

91.1 [79.4–96.9]

80 [62–90.9]


Sessile lesions

87.3 [81.8–91.5]

44.2 [36.8–51.7]

< 0.001

Flat lesions

72.6 [63.3–80.3]

20.8 [12.7–31.7]

< 0.001


100 [49.9–100]

100 [64.1–100]

HGD adenomas

100 [74.4–100]

100 [59.4–100]

LGD adenomas

87.1 [81.9–91.1]

46.4 [38.9–54.1]

< 0.001

Serrated lesions

73.6 [61.9–83]

32.9 [22.5–44.9]

< 0.001

  1. CCE colon capsule endoscopy, CTC CT colonography, HGD high-grade dysplasia, LGD low-grade dysplasia
  2. 1Any neoplastic lesion includes cancer, advanced and non-advanced adenomas, and advanced and non-advanced serrated lesions